
how to know font name in the site or blog

How to know font name in the site or blog

Every day we Login to thousands of blogs and websites, sometimes you see a line like it a lot, but we do not know what is the name of this line, but you can now know the name of any line at any site or blog or forum simply and easily. Just follow me ◄◄

The way a button you add to your browser by code Favorite drawer and then drop to the browser toolbar or by copying and pasting ways as you like .. (will explain to copy and paste to ease) ..1 - This code exporter site WhatFont Bookmarklet, then copy the following code

javascript: (function () {var% 20d = document, s = d.createElement ( 'scr' + 'ipt'), b = d.body, l = d.location; s.setAttribute ( 'src', 'http : // o = '+ encodeURIComponent (l.href) +' & t = '+ (new% 20Date () .getTime ())); b.appendChild (s)}) () ;

2 - then Login to the location you want to know the font used in it, and then copy the previous code and paste it in your browser at the top and then press Enter3 - then you will find the black boxes when identifying any Tkst (text) you will find that the line type has emerged as the
- With a note that you simply pressing the Rverh (F5) this will all disappear, do not worry :) 
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